Archivo - Ontology Archive

Archivo automatically discovers OWL ontologies on the web and checks them every 8 hours. When changes are detected, Archivo downloads and rates and archives the latest snapshot persistently on the Databus. See the about page for details (paper & video).


At this moment Archivo contains 1821 Ontologies. See all available Ontologies


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View Archived Ontology Databus URI Source Download Latest Triples Stars Latest Semantic Version Latest Timestamp Addition Date Parsing Min. License Good License Consistency LODE Conformity Crawling Status
Cinelab ontology Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 329 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-175249 2020.05.06-193655
The DBpedia Archivo Test Ontology Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 8 ★★★★ 1.0.2 2020.09.30-155722 2020.09.23-145928 Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 269 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-175317 2020.05.06-202602 Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 285 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-175402 2020.05.07-164832 Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 101 ★★★★ 1.0.0 2020.10.18-194102 2020.10.18-194102
BabelNet Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 10 ★★★★ 1.0.3 2022.11.27-025337 2020.07.17-010019 Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 1993 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-175417 2020.05.06-190318
Atom Syndication Ontology Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 392 ★☆☆☆ 2.0.0 2021.09.04-102212 2020.05.06-190057
The 3D Modeling Ontology Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 117 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.10.27-104453 2021.10.27-104453
ExtruOnt Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 1071 ★★★★ 1.0.0 2020.12.14-144514 2020.12.14-144514 Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 235 ★★★★ 1.0.8 2021.10.15-023058 2020.05.06-205312
Basisregistratie Kadaster vocabulaire Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 165 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-175555 2020.05.06-191627
top10nl vocabulaire Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 7242 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-175627 2020.05.06-191718 Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 551 ★☆☆☆ 2.0.0 2022.01.22-042133 2021.02.01-041839
Personal Link Types Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 86 ★★★☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-175705 2020.05.07-102933
Catalogus Professorum Model - Version 2.1 (CPM) Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 885 ★★★☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-175738 2020.05.07-164439
OntoSemStats Ontology Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 272 ★★★☆ 1.0.0 2021.09.01-133434 2021.09.01-133434
PersonLink Ontology Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 17084 ★★★☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-175752 2020.05.07-005556
QB Equations ontology Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 55 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-175829 2020.05.07-121330 (DGFR) ontology Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 234 ★★★☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-175904 2020.05.07-185353
Comic Book Ontology Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 1733 ★★★★ 2.0.2 2024.05.29-190909 2020.05.06-192058
SP-statements Vocabulary Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 44 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-175944 2020.05.07-165138
public procurement ontology Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 1635 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-180015 2020.05.07-010734
Cloud Instances definition Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 171 ★★★☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-180049 2020.05.06-192151
Pricing Plan for Cloud Computing Services Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 92 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-180120 2020.05.06-192535
Cloud Computing regions and availability zones Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 112 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-180138 2020.05.06-192616
Service Level Agreement for Cloud Computing Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 104 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-180140 2020.05.06-192643 Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 40 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.04.04-032259 2021.04.04-032259
D3FEND™ - A knowledge graph of cybersecurity countermeasures Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 33314 ★★☆☆ 12.0.0 2024.12.21-093112 2021.08.18-205752
dgtwc ontology Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 77 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-180212 2020.05.07-090232
BigDataGrapes ontology Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 929 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.01.31-010112 2021.01.31-010112
euBusinessGraph ontology Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 1054 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.01.30-160718 2021.01.30-160718
ERA vocabulary Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 20 ★★★☆ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2024.09.16-052829 2022.09.20-185333
eProcurement Ontology - core Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 9852 ★★★☆ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2024.12.11-110234 2023.11.23-192103 Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 134 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-180252 2020.05.07-033643
The ESCO ontology Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 1653 ★☆☆☆ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2020.10.13-180035 2020.05.06-204745
Core Public Service Vocabulary Application Profile Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 12 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2023.03.15-165707 2023.03.15-165707
EURIO: EUropean Research Information Ontology Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 1382 ★★★☆ 2.0.0 2023.11.17-172534 2022.01.21-012911
Semantic Finlex Legislation Ontology Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 216 ★☆☆☆ 2.0.0 2021.11.19-181910 2020.05.21-030311
GCIS Ontology Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 860 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-180426 2020.05.07-095432
Ontology of IGN administrative units Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 394 ★☆☆☆ 2.0.0 2021.02.26-180036 2020.05.06-210830
Ontology of geometric primitives Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 490 ★★★☆ 1.0.2 2024.06.26-111249 2020.05.06-210912
Ontology of coordinates reference systems Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 782 ★★★☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-180533 2020.05.06-213212
Ontology of the elements of the territory and its infrastructures of the IGN Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 3258 ★★★☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-180605 2020.05.07-024758
type of commune Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 10 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.02.07-095211 2021.02.07-095211
Type of building Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 27 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.03.05-012137 2021.03.05-012137
Type of structure Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 18 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.03.05-015204 2021.03.05-015204
Type of crossing Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 11 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.03.05-012946 2021.03.05-012946
Type of tide line Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 6 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.03.05-024004 2021.03.05-024004
Type of waterhole Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 9 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.03.05-014106 2021.03.05-014106
Type of relief feature Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 29 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.03.05-014426 2021.03.05-014426
Type of tank Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 7 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.03.05-022717 2021.03.05-022717
Type of road Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 18 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.03.05-013743 2021.03.05-013743
Type of sports ground Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 7 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.03.05-013357 2021.03.05-013357
Type of cableway transport line Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 6 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.03.05-021357 2021.03.05-021357
Type of vegetation Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 19 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.03.05-014748 2021.03.05-014748
Type of railway track Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 10 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.03.05-020018 2021.03.05-020018
Type of AOI Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 163 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.03.05-012506 2021.03.05-012506
Linked Nobelprizes Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 96 ★☆☆☆ 2.0.0 2021.07.06-102541 2020.05.07-114823
Offshore Leaks ontology Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 275 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2022.10.09-090414 2022.10.09-090414
A vocabulary for exposing IEEE LOM metadata as Linked Open Data Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 943 ★★★☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-180653 2020.05.06-220346 Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 11 ★☆☆☆ 1.1.0 2021.11.26-023118 2020.05.06-232205
The administrative geography and civil voting area ontology Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 16 ★☆☆☆ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2021.11.26-023638 2020.05.07-003635
Geometry Ontology Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 12 ★☆☆☆ 1.1.0 2021.11.26-024230 2020.05.07-003811
Postcode Ontology Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 15 ★☆☆☆ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2021.11.26-024750 2020.05.07-010240
Spatial Relations Ontology Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 17 ★☆☆☆ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2021.11.26-025338 2020.05.07-004147
Ontology for Persee stuff. Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 1008 ★☆☆☆ 1.2.0 2024.11.03-031136 2020.07.17-135656 Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 3 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2022.10.31-124019 2022.10.31-124019
QUDT Dimension Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 3835 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.01.31-081701 2021.01.31-081701
QUDT Quantity Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 1599 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.01.31-081338 2021.01.31-081338
QUDT Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 1401 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.01.31-081029 2021.01.31-081029
QUDT Unit Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 7134 ★☆☆☆ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2020.07.11-224040 2020.05.07-034019
Resolution Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 682 ★★★☆ 2.0.0 2025.02.11-185437 2020.05.07-140502
Mandate Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 576 ★★★★ 1.0.1 2022.09.13-190012 2020.05.07-125830 Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 1595 ★☆☆☆ 2.0.0 2020.10.16-020101 2020.05.06-200558
Data Food Consortium Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 206 ★★★☆ 2.0.0 2020.10.16-020351 2020.05.06-200507
DataID Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 868 ★★★★ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-181312 2020.05.06-195508
Databus Mod Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 868 ★☆☆☆ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2023.06.21-134445 2021.03.10-175018 Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 868 ★☆☆☆ ERROR: No Axioms for new version 2023.06.21-133908 2021.03.10-173058
DASH Data Shapes Vocabulary Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 1369 ★☆☆☆ ERROR: Can't build new semantic version because last is broken 2022.05.28-103528 2020.05.07-161648
Cultural-ON (Cultural ONtology): Cultural Institute/Site and Cultural Event Ontology Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 1232 ★☆☆☆ 2.0.6 2025.01.14-185706 2020.07.10-174213 Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 187 ★★★☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-181402 2020.05.20-173637
SAN Ontologia Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 541 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-181438 2020.05.07-014329
Schema concettuale dei vocabolari controllati SAN Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 8 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.01.31-082030 2021.01.31-082030
Parliamentary biographies ontology Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 484 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-181448 2020.05.07-054808 Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 237 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-181536 2020.05.07-133955
Geographic ontology Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 161 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.11-103420 2020.05.07-121553 Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 641 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.02.15-130349 2021.02.15-130349
The DBpedia Ontology Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 38515 ★★★★ 654.0.0 2025.02.13-020007 2020.05.06-231036 Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 508 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.1 2021.08.02-194948 2021.03.05-004459
Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 30525 ★★★★ 1.0.0 2020.07.17-092116 2020.07.17-092116
Ontology for botanical or zoological collections Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 73 ★☆☆☆ 2.0.0 2021.07.16-101655 2020.05.07-123055
Description Of A Software Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 83 ★☆☆☆ 1.1.0 2020.09.08-180129 2020.05.07-133901
Geolocation, tracking of mobiles: vehicles, people, etc. Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 55 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-181649 2020.05.07-143740
Nature Observations, botanical or zoological Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 25 ★☆☆☆ 2.1.0 2020.08.19-020134 2020.05.07-133744
Vocabulary for exchange of seeds, plants, etc Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 48 ★☆☆☆ 2.0.0 2021.07.16-181701 2020.05.07-162438
Task management ontology. Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 76 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-181810 2020.05.07-111431
management of geolocated mobiles: vehicles, people, etc. Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 87 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-181811 2020.05.07-122754
OWL representation of ISO 19103 (Basic types package) Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 232 ★★★★ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-181843 2020.05.06-190336
OWL representation of ISO 19107 (Geographic Information - Spatial Schema) Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 186 ★★★★ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-181916 2020.05.06-211142
OWL representation of ISO 19108 (Geographic Information - Temporal Schema) Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 553 ★★★★ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-181935 2020.05.07-024624
OWL representation of ISO 19109 (General Feature Model) Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 30 ★★★★ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-182008 2020.05.06-211001
OWL representation of ISO 19115 (Geographic Information - Metadata - Citation package) Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 519 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-182041 2020.05.07-034205
OWL representation of ISO 19115 (Geographic Information - Metadata - Data quality package) Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 429 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-182049 2020.05.06-201941
OWL representation of ISO 19115 (Geographic Information - Metadata - Dataset package) Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 148 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-182121 2020.05.07-034328
OWL representation of ISO 19115 (Geographic Information - Metadata - Extent package) Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 231 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-182128 2020.05.06-205052
OWL representation of ISO 19115 (Geographic Information - Metadata - Lineage package) Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 203 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-182201 2020.05.06-215442
OWL representation of ISO 19123 (Geographic Information - Coverage schema) Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 73 ★★★★ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-182233 2020.05.07-034500
Ontology elements required for conversion of ISO/TC 211 Harmonized Model to OWL Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 75 ★★★★ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-182300 2020.05.06-212326
OWL representation of ISO 19156 (Observation model) Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 329 ★★★★ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-182333 2020.05.07-001808
OWL representation of ISO 19156 Sampling Features model Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 378 ★★★★ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-182349 2020.05.07-014003
OWL for Observations Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 344 ★★★★ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-182422 2020.05.07-002054
OWL for Sampling Features Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 286 ★★★★ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-182432 2020.05.07-014202
Object with states ontology Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 55 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-182504 2020.05.07-000814
OAuth Vocabulary Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 121 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-182530 2020.05.07-184950
PoderVocab: A vocabulary for Poderopedia Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 883 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-182601 2020.05.07-010156
DSD Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 433 ★★★☆ ERROR: Can't build new semantic version because last is broken 2023.04.09-163010 2022.04.19-192508
Geographic schema v. 0.6 Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 42 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-182634 2020.05.07-034647
oboe-core Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 576 ★★★☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-182706 2020.05.07-034729
Bioinformatics operations, data types, formats, identifiers and topics Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 38519 ★★★★ 3.0.0 2024.11.03-032433 2020.07.17-024450
DogOnt: Ontology Modeling for Intelligent Domotic Environments Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 13689 ★★★☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-182730 2020.05.06-201529
EUPont: an ontology for End User Programming of the IoT Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 2375 ★★★☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-182850 2020.05.06-204822
MUO - Measurement Units Ontology Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 124 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-182923 2020.05.07-034811 Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 3367 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.01.31-082706 2021.01.31-082706
Elemental Multiperspective Material Ontology Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 50 ★★★☆ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2024.12.20-024729 2022.11.17-104313
MAEO - MarketPlace Agent and Expert Ontology Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 456 ★★★☆ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2024.04.13-015903 2022.03.08-191121
CHAracterisation MEthodology Ontology Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 2061 ★★★☆ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2025.02.08-030211 2022.07.05-180629
EM-KPI Ontology, Energy Management - Key Performance Indicator Ontology Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 2012 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2022.08.25-163230 2022.08.25-163230
Observable-Properties ontology Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 190 ★★★★ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-182925 2020.05.07-002813 Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 70 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-182959 2020.05.20-170032
Erlangen CRM / OWL Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 5220 ★☆☆☆ 8.0.0 2024.03.12-183223 2020.05.06-231438
Erlangen FRBRoo Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 863 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-183007 2020.05.07-184445
Agent Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 464 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-183020 2020.05.07-140135
Biological SKOS Schemes Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 14 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-183023 2020.05.07-131925
Care Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 31 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-183026 2020.05.07-092905
Countries Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 2723 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-183028 2020.05.07-142003
Document Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 288 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.01.31-075140 2021.01.31-075140
Environment Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 53 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-183037 2020.05.07-164713
Event Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 2376 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-183039 2020.05.07-101816
FOSTER or Friends Of Semantic Web Technology Resource Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 233 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.02.15-130943 2021.02.15-130943
Genome Abnormality Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 91 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-183045 2020.05.07-104208
Human Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 642 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-183047 2020.05.07-113031
Human body Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 367 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-183050 2020.05.07-163006
Languages Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 5352 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-183053 2020.05.07-084519
Organism Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 488 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-183104 2020.05.07-112410
Organization Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 45 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-183106 2020.05.07-060101
Physical Resource Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 46 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.01.31-074901 2021.01.31-074901
Quantities Extension Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 628 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-183108 2020.05.07-110736
Space Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 272 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.01.31-074117 2021.01.31-074117
Time Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 503 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.02.01-041528 2021.02.01-041528
Units Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 1207 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-183111 2020.05.07-170053
Units Extension Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 1170 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.02.15-131230 2021.02.15-131230
EUNIS Species schema Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 134 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-183115 2020.05.07-034903
Fedora Commons Repository - Audit Types Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 60 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-183116 2020.05.07-113352 Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 55 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-183120 2020.05.07-170030 Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 173 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-183121 2020.05.07-055810
NeoGeo Geometry Ontology Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 128 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-183126 2020.05.06-224201
NeoGeo Spatial Ontology Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 138 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-183130 2020.05.07-022229
Ontology for modelling historic administrative information. Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 271 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-183146 2020.05.06-211710
Relations for Reusing (R4R) Ontology Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 131 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-183148 2020.05.07-012150 Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 409 ★☆☆☆ 0.0.1 2020.07.10-203343 2020.07.10-203343
Library of Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 16 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.1 2024.08.08-175908 2022.12.22-150506
Library of Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 27 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.1 2024.08.06-232159 2021.01.30-232013
Extended Date/Time Format Datatypes Scheme Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 35 ★★★★ 2.0.0 2023.03.30-174940 2021.02.08-074426
Record Info Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 30 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.03.28-014610 2021.03.28-014610
BIBFRAME vocabulary with LC extensions Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 335 ★★★☆ ERROR: Can't build new semantic version because last is broken 2025.01.25-111623 2020.05.07-104801
BIBFRAME vocabulary Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 2603 ★★★☆ 6.1.0 2025.02.11-031958 2020.05.06-190909
Thesaurus for Graphic Materials Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 24813 ★☆☆☆ 4.2.0 2025.01.08-074847 2021.01.30-222239
Standard Identifier Schemes Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 690 ★☆☆☆ 2.12.0 2024.09.15-192334 2021.02.15-081539
ISO 639-1: Codes for the Representation of Names of Languages - Part 1: Two-letter codes for languages Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 1834 ★☆☆☆ 2.0.0 2024.10.04-164739 2021.01.30-212740
MARC Issuance List Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 29 ★☆☆☆ 2.0.0 2022.06.16-152838 2021.02.08-075256
MARC Genre/Terms Scheme Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 322 ★☆☆☆ 3.0.0 2024.04.17-231334 2021.01.31-005032
MARC Encoding Level List Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 38 ★☆☆☆ 3.1.0 2022.12.17-023332 2021.02.08-073322
Preservation Schemes (all) Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 116 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.2 2021.04.14-024835 2021.01.31-180143
Event Type Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 201 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.01.31-180505 2021.01.31-180505
MARC Code List for Relators Scheme Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 926 ★☆☆☆ 3.6.0 2025.02.05-235637 2020.12.19-161815 Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 342 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-183217 2020.05.07-102247
Multilingual dictionary of cataloguing terms and concepts (MulDiCat) Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 2291 ★★★★ 1.0.0 2020.07.17-091151 2020.07.17-091151
Property Graph Ontology Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 138 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2022.04.06-002454 2022.04.06-002454 Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 66 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-183231 2020.05.07-111420 Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 134 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.01.31-184632 2021.01.31-184632
IMI Core Vocabulary Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 4661 ★★★☆ 2.0.0 2021.03.05-020221 2020.05.07-185113
DCO Schema Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 1042 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-183248 2020.05.07-102713
Minimal Service Model Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 104 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-183322 2020.05.06-223254
IBM Requirements Management Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 96 ★★★★ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-183327 2020.05.07-184545
DBnary Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 478 ★★★★ ERROR: No Axioms for old version 2023.02.26-065009 2020.05.07-104524
KGRC Ontology Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 117 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2023.10.08-002743 2023.10.08-002743 Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 131 ★★☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-183341 2020.05.07-172058
SmartProducts Food Domain Model Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 591 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-183342 2020.05.07-022632 Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 512 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-183359 2020.05.07-035505 Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 74 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-183410 2020.05.07-035601 Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 213 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-183423 2020.05.07-035700 Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 128 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-183443 2020.05.07-035758 Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 1239 ★☆☆☆ 1.1.1 2023.01.20-223559 2020.05.07-130651
Linking Ancient World Data Ontology Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 229 ★★★☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-183503 2020.05.06-215026
BIM collaboration Format Ontology Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 746 ★★★☆ 2.0.0 2022.03.17-164758 2021.04.25-234916 Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 180 ★☆☆☆ 2.0.1 2024.11.24-051831 2021.08.29-034837 Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 345 ★★★★ 1.0.0 2020.07.17-021114 2020.07.17-021114
Extensions to the Vocabulary of Interlinked Datasets (VoID) Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 229 ★☆☆☆ ERROR: No Axioms for new version 2020.08.10-180627 2020.05.07-090410 Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 1727 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-183532 2020.05.07-171508
lemon Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 986 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-183538 2020.05.06-215229 Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 183 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-183548 2020.05.07-144342 Ontology Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 212 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.10.12-133619 2020.10.12-133619
The Linked Web APIs Ontology Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 164 ★★★★ 1.0.0 2020.12.17-143901 2020.12.17-143901
ASGS Ontology - ABS Structures and non-ABS structures Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 624 ★★★★ ERROR: Can't build new semantic version because last is broken 2021.06.28-180918 2020.05.07-101915
Geofabric Ontology Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 83 ★☆☆☆ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2023.01.18-052358 2020.05.21-022440
GNAF ontology Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 435 ★☆☆☆ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2022.05.10-041421 2020.05.07-113715
Loc-I Ontology Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 171 ★★★★ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2021.06.25-181414 2020.05.07-105214
The Linked Earth Ontology Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 1852 ★★☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-183841 2020.05.06-202806
KEES Ontology Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 150 ★★★★ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-183850 2020.05.06-214808
Corporate Financial Reports and Loans Ontology Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 28 ★★★☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-183851 2020.05.20-165327
Transport Administration Ontology Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 123 ★★★☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-183854 2020.05.20-175032
Vehicle Emissions Ontology Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 93 ★★★☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-183856 2020.05.20-175825
LODE: An ontology for Linking Open Descriptions of Events Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 137 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.4 2025.02.06-155111 2020.11.07-162040
Document that defines the Linked Science Core Vocabulary Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 26 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-183859 2020.05.06-220712
National Library of Korea Ontology Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 31 ★★★☆ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2024.07.11-114429 2020.07.17-092307
DarwinCore Area Ontology Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 62 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-183904 2020.05.07-040156
TaxonConcept Mammalia Ontology Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 1529 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-183910 2020.05.07-114307
TaxonConcept People Ontology Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 453 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-183943 2020.05.07-040238
Scientific People Ontology Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 309 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-184015 2020.05.07-014505
Taxon Name and Rank Vocabulary Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 517 ☆☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.03.05-035304 2021.03.05-035304
TaxonConcept Ontology Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 1676 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-184031 2020.05.07-025319
Year Vocabulary Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 1889 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.03.05-035026 2021.03.05-035026
The Linked SPARQL Queries Vocabulary (LSQ(V)) Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 306 ★☆☆☆ 2.1.0 2022.01.11-201030 2020.05.06-220946
The Marine Regions Ontology Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 220 ★★★★ 1.0.3 2022.06.03-115920 2021.07.17-224841 Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 1800 ★☆☆☆ 2.7.0 2024.10.04-214527 2021.07.17-230518
EO Analysis Model Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 26 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.02.16-033341 2021.02.16-033341
Memorix Application Ontology Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 623 ★★★★ 7.0.0 2022.08.27-055703 2021.10.16-231438
Ontology of Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS) Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 1815 ★★★☆ 8.1.0 2025.02.03-104449 2023.02.18-175648
The MEX Vocabulary (mex-algo) Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 844 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-184058 2020.05.06-222634
The MEX Vocabulary (mex-core) Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 251 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-184106 2020.05.06-222724
The MEX Vocabulary (mex-perf) Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 206 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-184111 2020.05.06-222811
The MGED Ontology Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 5618 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-184118 2020.05.07-054406 Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 486679 ★☆☆☆ 8.0.0 2022.09.18-025555 2021.01.11-200229 Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 19591 ★☆☆☆ 2.0.0 2025.01.13-181939 2022.02.15-074313
Multilingual Morpheme Ontology Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 5392 ★★★★ 1.0.2 2020.11.27-180310 2020.06.12-124829 Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 810 ★☆☆☆ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2023.08.16-153428 2023.08.13-020130 Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 634 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-184213 2020.05.07-150945
NMR Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 1089 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.02.16-075602 2021.02.16-075602 Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 341 ★★★★ 3.0.0 2021.01.26-180456 2020.07.10-193730 Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 2712 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-184320 2020.05.07-173916
Ludo Ontology Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 23 ★☆☆☆ 0.0.1 2020.07.10-195033 2020.07.10-195033
TripleAccessControl Ontology Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 100 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-184341 2020.05.07-023641
SQL Abstract Syntax Trees Vocabulary Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 583 ★★★★ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-184342 2020.05.07-022746
The EmOCA Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 14 ☆☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-184344 2020.05.06-203921
Licences for Linked Open Data (L4LOD) Ontology Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 183 ★★★☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-184348 2020.05.07-085935 Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 950 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-184350 2020.05.06-221253
Ludo - Game Presentation Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 260 ★★★☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-184353 2020.05.06-221336
Ludo - Virtual Context Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 120 ★★★☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-184359 2020.05.06-221419
Ludo - Game Model Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 732 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-184408 2020.05.06-221502
Meta-Uncertainty Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 101 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-184421 2020.05.06-223407
Meta-Uncertainty Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 73 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-184432 2020.05.07-040507
Nice Tag Ontology Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 563 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-184435 2020.05.06-235030
Normative Requirements Vocabulary Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 275 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-184444 2020.05.06-234939
PRISSMA: Presentation of Resources for Interoperable Semantic and Shareable Mobile Adaptability Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 144 ★★★☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-184446 2020.05.07-151538
PRISSMA: Presentation of Resources for Interoperable Semantic and Shareable Mobile Adaptability Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 106 ★★★☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-184447 2020.05.07-011150
Product Vocabulary Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 183 ★★★☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-184448 2020.05.07-011258 Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 40 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-184456 2020.05.07-055204
Social Semantic SPARQL Security For Access Control (S4AC) Ontology Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 190 ★★★☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-184457 2020.05.07-013909
EduProgression Ontology Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 114 ★★★☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-184458 2020.05.06-203349 Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 1112 ★★★★ 1.0.1 2021.09.04-103345 2020.05.06-224334 Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 4 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-184533 2020.05.07-101201
Semantic Web Ontology for Requirements Engineering (SWORE) Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 314 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2022.07.06-183332 2022.07.06-183332
SCUFL2 Core ontology Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 817 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-184607 2020.05.07-184933 Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 54 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-184640 2020.05.07-153837 Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 599 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-200311 2020.06.10-200311
Days of the Week Ontology Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 360 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-201128 2020.05.07-104346
DOAP Bugs Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 152 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.08.30-111649 2020.08.30-111649
DOAP Change Sets Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 41 ☆☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.10.18-181719 2020.10.18-181719
DOAP Dependencies Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 167 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.08.30-111959 2020.08.30-111959 Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 63 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-201148 2020.05.07-110311
Ultra-simple review vocab Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 80 ☆☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.10.18-143548 2020.10.18-143548
OSi Spatial Ontology Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 137 ★★★☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.19-190411 2020.06.19-190411
ELSEWeb Data Ontology Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 531 ★★★☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-201153 2020.05.06-221031
ELSEWeb EDAC Ontology Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 337 ★★★☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-201156 2020.05.06-203139
ELSEWeb Modelling Ontology Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 83 ★★★☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-201201 2020.05.06-221115 Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 40 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-201203 2020.05.07-040935
ELSEWeb Mappings Ontology Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 85 ★★★☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-201208 2020.05.06-220803
Relational to Ontology Mapping Primitive Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 138 ★★★☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-201227 2020.05.07-142113
Informatics Research Artifacts Ontology Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 516 ★★★★ ERROR: Can't build new semantic version because last is broken 2021.05.27-183644 2021.02.06-113633
Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Ontology Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 797 ★★★★ 1.0.2 2021.02.09-030008 2021.02.06-113442
The Ontosoft ontology Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 710 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-201229 2020.05.07-041116
Asset Management(Asset) Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 103 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-201249 2020.05.06-183706
Core Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 503 ★★★★ 0.1.1 2022.01.28-042042 2020.07.09-181240
Aragon Interoperable Information Structure Ontology Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 2974 ★☆☆☆ 0.0.1 2020.07.10-185913 2020.07.10-185913 Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 2728 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.1 2021.02.23-100431 2020.05.07-041234
Onto Municipio Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 1504 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-201307 2020.05.07-170627
Open Energy Ontology Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 29156 ★★★☆ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2025.02.07-200508 2020.06.15-105208 Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 166 ★☆☆☆ ERROR: Can't build new semantic version because last is broken 2022.06.15-210836 2020.06.26-112924 Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 471 ★☆☆☆ 2.0.0 2023.02.03-192759 2022.11.28-082107 Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 5421 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2022.11.28-082104 2022.11.28-082104
Open Energy Ontology (Modelling module) Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 1767 ★★★☆ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2023.12.19-191340 2022.11.28-080456
Open Energy Ontology (Physical axioms module) Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 92 ★★★☆ 1.0.6 2023.12.19-192536 2022.11.28-082034
Open Energy Ontology (Physical module) Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 11408 ★★☆☆ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2023.12.19-193114 2022.11.28-082013
Open Energy Ontology (Shared module) Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 734 ★★☆☆ ERROR: No Axioms for new version 2023.12.19-193732 2022.11.28-082034
Open Energy Ontology (social module) Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 1095 ★★☆☆ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2023.12.19-191938 2022.11.28-081956
SmartHomeWeather Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 4549 ★★★☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-201311 2020.05.07-020711 Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 52 ★★★★ 1.0.1 2021.04.22-021128 2020.05.07-093441
Perm ID common ontology Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 84 ★★★☆ 1.0.0 2021.01.31-183748 2021.01.31-183748
Perm ID organization ontology Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 462 ★★★☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-201416 2020.05.07-122048
PermID VCard extension ontology Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 24 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.01.31-184117 2021.01.31-184117
Thomson Reuters Business Classification Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 77 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.01.31-183425 2021.01.31-183425
NIF 2.0 Core Ontology Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 468 ★★★★ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-201425 2020.05.20-171852
RLOG - an RDF Logging Ontology Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 104 ★★★★ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-201428 2020.05.20-173533
PGxO: a lite Pharmacogenomic Ontology Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 158 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2022.02.02-161514 2022.02.02-161514 Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 60 ☆☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-201430 2020.05.07-095705
Predicate Model for Ontologies (PreMOn) - Core ontology module Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 219 ★★★★ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-201436 2020.05.07-041448
Predicate Model for Ontologies (PreMOn) - FrameNet ontology module Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 236 ★★★★ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-201439 2020.05.07-005641
Predicate Model for Ontologies (PreMOn) - NomBank ontology module Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 150 ★★★★ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-201445 2020.05.07-005724
Predicate Model for Ontologies (PreMOn) - PropBank ontology module Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 332 ★★★★ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-201454 2020.05.07-005808
Predicate Model for Ontologies (PreMOn) - VerbNet ontology module Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 1163 ★★★★ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-201458 2020.05.07-005852
Agreements ontology Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 129 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.01.30-154836 2021.01.30-154836
Decision Provenance ontology (DecPROV) Databus Artifact LOV owl, ttl, nt 51 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.01.30-160408 2021.01.30-160408
Provenance Management System Ontology Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 132 ★★★★ 1.0.0 2021.01.30-215843 2021.01.30-215843 Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 77 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-201504 2020.05.21-044528 Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 41 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.06.10-201506 2020.05.07-041537
Asset classification Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 58 ★☆☆☆ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2021.06.22-144137 2021.04.11-034325
Corporate body Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 1992 ★☆☆☆ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2025.02.12-005221 2021.04.11-035215
Dataset type Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 91 ★☆☆☆ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2024.10.04-194239 2021.04.11-034626
File type Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 448 ★☆☆☆ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2024.12.11-083545 2021.04.11-034923
Language Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 16345 ★☆☆☆ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2024.10.04-174342 2021.01.31-170136
Resource type Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 1427 ★☆☆☆ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2024.12.11-103423 2022.07.24-062404 Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 275 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.5 2024.10.04-181749 2021.02.15-142032
Allotrope Foundation Taxonomy (AFT) Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 5102 ★★★★ 1.0.0 2021.07.18-220403 2021.07.18-220403
AFO Curation (REC/2018/07) Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 404 ★★★★ 1.0.1 2021.07.02-195640 2021.02.15-150805
Allotrope Foundation Taxonomy (AFT) Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 6156 ★★★★ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2021.07.02-190720 2021.01.31-101721
AFO Relation (REC/2018/11) Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 1949 ★★★☆ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2021.07.02-191638 2021.01.31-105958
Allotrope Foundation Taxonomy (AFT) Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 6509 ★★★★ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2021.07.02-195953 2021.02.16-071922
Allotrope Foundation Ontology (REC/2019/09) Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 4786 ★★★★ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2021.07.02-190249 2021.01.31-093921
Allotrope Foundation Taxonomy (AFT) Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 6552 ★★★★ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2021.07.02-181058 2020.05.07-132111
Allotrope Foundation Taxonomy (AFT) Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 7090 ★★★★ 1.0.0 2021.10.16-220632 2021.10.16-220632
AFO Curation (REC/2019/12) Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 406 ★★★★ 1.0.1 2022.12.14-155809 2021.01.31-114514
Allotrope Foundation Taxonomy (AFT) Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 7248 ★★★★ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2021.07.02-195200 2021.02.15-142348
Allotrope Foundation Ontology (REC/2020/06) Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 6546 ★★★★ 1.0.0 2021.07.18-231823 2021.07.18-231823
Allotrope Foundation Taxonomy (AFT) Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 7631 ★★★★ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2021.07.02-184536 2020.10.18-203018
Allotrope Foundation Ontology (REC/2020/09) Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 6890 ★★★★ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2022.12.17-145353 2021.07.04-020937
Allotrope Foundation Taxonomy (AFT) Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 7913 ★★★★ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2022.12.17-220627 2021.07.19-001240
AFO Relation (REC/2020/09) Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 2004 ★★★☆ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2022.12.17-204200 2021.07.18-223440
Allotrope Foundation Ontology (REC/2020/12) Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 7508 ★★★★ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2022.12.14-153019 2021.01.31-103531
Allotrope Foundation Taxonomy (AFT) Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 8065 ★★★★ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2022.12.17-162613 2021.07.04-033419
AFO Curation (REC/2020/12) Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 416 ★★★★ 1.0.1 2022.12.18-014409 2021.07.26-152230
AFO Relation (REC/2020/12) Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 2024 ★★★☆ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2022.12.17-152048 2021.07.04-023415
Allotrope Foundation Ontology (REC/2021/03) Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 8197 ★★★★ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2022.12.17-134122 2021.07.04-010558
Allotrope Foundation Taxonomy (AFT) Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 8273 ★★★★ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2022.12.17-183335 2021.07.18-075542
AFO Curation (REC/2021/03) Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 416 ★★★★ 1.0.1 2022.12.17-232254 2021.07.25-091939
AFO Relation (REC/2021/03) Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 2024 ★★★☆ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2022.12.17-193628 2021.07.18-084421
Allotrope Foundation Ontology (REC/2021/06) Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 8718 ★★★★ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2022.12.17-232914 2021.07.26-131719
Allotrope Foundation Ontology (AFO) (WD/2020/03) Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 4341 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.07.26-153101 2021.07.26-153101
AFO Chromatography Domain Ontology (REC/2019/12) Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 919 ★★★★ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2022.12.14-184301 2021.02.15-135646
AFO Differential Scanning Calorimetry Domain Ontology (REC/2020/03) Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 94 ★★★★ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2021.07.02-185357 2020.10.25-215658
AFO Class Coordination Domain Ontology (REC/2020/09) Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 107 ★★★★ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2022.12.14-133949 2021.01.30-234003
AFO Chromatography Domain Ontology (REC/2021/03) Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 1032 ★★★★ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2022.12.18-011710 2021.07.26-145419
AFO Class Coordination Domain Ontology (REC/2021/03) Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 107 ★★★★ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2022.12.17-130411 2021.07.03-220135
AFO Chromatography Domain Ontology (REC/2021/06) Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 1036 ★★★★ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2022.12.17-174153 2021.07.18-013226
AFO Detection Domain Ontology (REC/2021/06) Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 164 ★★★★ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2022.12.17-235616 2021.07.26-134205
AFO Injection Domain Ontology (REC/2021/06) Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 156 ★★★★ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2022.12.18-002318 2021.07.26-140612
AFO Sampling Domain Ontology (REC/2021/06) Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 78 ★★★★ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2022.12.18-005006 2021.07.26-143012
AFO Atomic Spectroscopy Domain Ontology - working draft Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 487 ★★★★ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2022.12.18-015729 2021.08.11-120513
AFO X-ray Diffraction Domain Ontology - working draft Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 420 ★★★★ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2022.12.15-220057 2020.05.21-043459
AFO function-generator Domain Ontology - (WD/2019/12) Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 71 ★★★★ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2021.07.02-194621 2021.02.15-133220
AFO Atomic Spectroscopy Domain Ontology - (WD/2020/03) Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 487 ★★★★ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2022.12.17-140819 2021.07.04-013044
AFO function-generator Domain Ontology - (WD/2020/03) Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 71 ★★★★ 1.0.0 2021.07.18-010735 2021.07.18-010735
Allotrope Foundation Ontology MERGED and INFERRED (REC/2021/06) Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 45201 ★★★☆ 2.0.0 2022.12.18-092657 2022.06.28-043307
Allotrope Foundation Ontology Merged (REC/2022/03) Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 43736 ★★★☆ 2.0.0 2022.12.18-084141 2022.04.30-062557
Allotrope Foundation Ontology Merged and Inferred (REC/2022/03) Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 43979 ★★★☆ 2.0.0 2022.12.18-083239 2022.04.29-215447
AFT Portion of Material - Perspective Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 37 ★★★★ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2022.12.14-150911 2021.01.31-100324
AFT Organization Perspective (REC/2020/03) Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 290 ★★★★ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2021.07.02-194041 2021.01.31-115240
AFT Organization Perspective (REC/2020/06) Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 290 ★★★★ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2021.07.02-181533 2020.07.17-005251
AFT Molecular Scale - Perspective (REC/2020/09) Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 352 ★★★★ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2022.12.17-223126 2021.07.19-002340
AFT Organization Perspective (REC/2020/09) Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 291 ★★★★ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2022.12.17-214747 2021.07.18-235657
AFT Portion of Material Perspective (REC/2020/09) Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 251 ★★★★ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2022.12.17-212848 2021.07.18-234319
AFT System - Perspective (REC/2020/09) Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 197 ★★★★ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2022.12.17-225610 2021.07.19-004449
AFT Molecular Scale - Perspective (REC/2020/12) Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 349 ★★★★ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2022.12.17-171006 2021.07.04-040505
AFT Organization Perspective (REC/2020/12) Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 293 ★★★★ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2022.12.17-160734 2021.07.04-031917
AFT Portion of Material Perspective (REC/2020/12) Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 251 ★★★★ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2022.12.17-165115 2021.07.04-035241
AFT System - Perspective (REC/2020/12) Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 199 ★★★★ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2022.12.17-143520 2021.07.04-015725
AFT Molecular Scale - Perspective (REC/2021/03) Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 357 ★★★★ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2022.12.17-180847 2021.07.18-073517
AFT Organization Perspective (REC/2021/03) Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 293 ★★★★ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2022.12.17-191734 2021.07.18-082933
AFT Portion of Material Perspective (REC/2021/03) Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 252 ★★★★ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2022.12.17-202313 2021.07.18-092755
AFT System - Perspective (REC/2021/03) Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 199 ★★★★ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2022.12.17-185829 2021.07.18-081447 Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 1338 ★★★★ 1.0.2 2024.10.04-170951 2021.01.31-114900
The data cube vocabulary Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 278 ★★★★ 1.0.3 2024.10.04-214053 2021.07.04-033035
SKOS Vocabulary (REC/2018/10) Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 229 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.2 2024.10.04-182112 2021.02.15-145237
Buda core ontology Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 2928 ★★★☆ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2024.09.15-120343 2020.05.07-140424
An ontology for MBGD Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 233 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2020.07.17-142556 2020.07.17-142556
Mental Functioning Ontology Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 3839 ★☆☆☆ 1.1.0 2022.07.19-173037 2021.06.04-213840 Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 1132 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.12.14-051637 2021.12.14-051637
The Emotion Ontology (MFOEM) Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 5343 ★☆☆☆ 4.0.0 2025.01.07-011511 2021.06.04-215253
Mental Disease Ontology Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 42 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.06.04-215557 2021.06.04-215557 Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 3525 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.06.03-141213 2021.06.03-141213 Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 3397 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.06.05-092828 2021.06.05-092828
Agronomy Ontology Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 75423 ★★★☆ 3.0.0 2022.11.02-182228 2021.10.30-193721
Amphioxus Development and Anatomy Ontology (AMPHX) Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 6984 ★★★★ 1.0.0 2021.06.03-144522 2021.06.03-144522 Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 6413 ★★★★ 1.0.30 2025.02.01-091137 2021.06.03-144832
Apollo Structured Vocabulary (Apollo-SV) Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 27044 ★★☆☆ 10.0.0 2024.12.25-085411 2021.06.03-145150 Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 29627 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.06.05-090652 2021.06.05-090652
The Biological Collections Ontology Databus Artifact owl, ttl, nt 7304 ★★★☆ 2.0.0 2021.11.19-183040 2020.05.07-091827 Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 1221 ★★★★ 1.0.0 2020.11.03-115748 2020.11.03-115748 Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 1274 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.06.05-093148 2021.06.05-093148 Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 6507 ★★★☆ 6.0.0 2023.05.27-175130 2021.06.03-144222
The BRENDA Tissue Ontology (BTO) Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 87688 ★★★☆ 3.0.0 2021.10.27-030629 2021.03.04-032340 Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 3965 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.06.05-075800 2021.06.05-075800 Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 6969036 ★☆☆☆ 36.0.0 2025.01.01-173515 2021.07.25-004535 Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 3129 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.06.03-153018 2021.06.03-153018
Chemical Methods Ontology Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 44853 ★★★★ 4.4.2 2023.12.16-034019 2021.05.26-123801 Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 1188 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.06.03-164005 2021.06.03-164005
Cell Ontology Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 687118 ★★★☆ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2025.01.09-001412 2021.02.16-064655
Cell Ontology Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 96943 ★★★☆ ERROR: Can't build new semantic version because last is broken 2025.01.09-010105 2021.06.03-123450
Collembola Anatomy Ontology Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 20059 ★★★☆ 3.0.0 2021.09.28-032159 2021.06.03-164248
CLO: Cell Line Ontology Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 555584 ★☆☆☆ 3.0.0 2024.06.25-074438 2021.03.02-061133
Core Ontology for Biology and Biomedicine Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 516 ★★★★ ERROR: Can't build new semantic version because last is broken 2025.01.24-094018 2021.06.03-164658 Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 1020 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.06.03-164940 2021.06.03-164940 Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 2557 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.06.03-165231 2021.06.03-165231
CTO: Core Ontology of Clinical Trials Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 4896 ★★★☆ 1.0.0 2021.06.03-165534 2021.06.03-165534 Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 15237 ★★☆☆ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2024.06.17-162907 2021.06.03-165836 Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 2675 ★★★★ 2.0.0 2023.08.25-093034 2021.06.03-170220
Dicty Phenotype Ontology (DDPHENO) Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 16802 ★★★★ 3.0.0 2023.08.27-182352 2021.06.03-170512
DIDEO Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 8735 ★★☆☆ 1.0.3 2023.10.18-124926 2021.06.03-170904
Human Disease Ontology Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 293138 ★★★★ ERROR: Can't build new semantic version because last is broken 2025.02.04-005241 2021.06.03-100816
Drosophila Phenotype Ontology (DPO) Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 41719 ★★☆☆ 19.0.0 2024.12.06-005556 2021.10.26-223114 Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 18 ★★★☆ 1.0.0 2021.06.03-174556 2021.06.03-174556 Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 597 ★★★☆ 1.0.0 2021.06.03-175236 2021.06.03-175236
Evidence & Conclusion Ontology (ECO) Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 78945 ★★★★ 9.2.1 2024.07.20-004435 2021.06.03-181255 Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 242327 ★★★☆ 2.0.0 2022.03.09-233459 2021.06.03-182205
Environment Exposure Ontology Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 45143 ★★★★ ERROR: Can't build new semantic version because last is broken 2023.02.15-070419 2021.06.03-190158 Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 56918 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.06.05-080111 2021.06.05-080111 Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 114610 ★☆☆☆ 9.0.0 2023.11.17-065127 2021.06.04-151912
The Environment Ontology Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 109612 ★★★☆ 6.0.0 2025.02.06-162928 2021.02.16-074804 Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 1935 ★☆☆☆ 3.0.0 2025.02.06-010848 2021.06.03-141530 Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 33725 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.06.05-084128 2021.06.05-084128
Exposure ontology (ExO) Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 2000 ★★★★ 2.0.0 2022.06.30-194132 2021.06.03-191026 Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 1840 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.06.04-160124 2021.06.04-160124
FlyBase Developmental Ontology (FBdv) Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 4935 ★★★☆ 2.2.7 2025.02.12-170851 2021.06.04-171054 Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 42870 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.06.05-095115 2021.06.05-095115 Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 45392 ★★★★ 8.0.1 2024.01.11-081958 2021.06.04-171358 Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 7647 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.06.05-075100 2021.06.05-075100 Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 31870 ★★★☆ 2.0.0 2022.05.04-024701 2021.06.05-065607
Food Ontology Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 433181 ★★★☆ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2025.02.02-013948 2021.06.04-153133
FuTRES Ontology of Vertebrate Traits Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 28033 ★★★★ 3.0.0 2023.06.18-232235 2021.06.04-180706 Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 5083960 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.01.31-193539 2021.01.31-193539
Genomics Cohorts Knowledge Ontology Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 1335 ★★★★ 1.0.0 2021.06.04-184316 2021.06.04-184316
Genomic Epidemiology Ontology Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 72749 ★★★★ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2025.01.04-085935 2021.06.04-184603
GENO ontology Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 4848 ★★★☆ 6.0.0 2023.10.09-131616 2021.06.04-185036
Geographical Entity Ontology Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 912 ★★★☆ 2.0.0 2025.02.08-013036 2021.06.04-185327
Geographical Entity Ontology Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 890 ★★★☆ 1.0.2 2023.01.14-201021 2021.12.08-191909
Gene Ontology Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 1423478 ★★★★ 36.0.0 2025.02.13-083056 2021.03.03-194606
GSSO - the Gender, Sex, and Sexual Orientation ontology Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 194990 ★★★☆ ERROR: No Axioms for both versions 2022.09.09-033743 2021.06.05-070032
Human Ancestry Ontology Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 24375 ★★★★ ERROR: Can't build new semantic version because last is broken 2024.09.15-221110 2021.06.04-191307 Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 68216 ★☆☆☆ 2.0.0 2023.06.18-235556 2021.06.04-191639 Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 14384 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.06.04-192459 2021.06.04-192459 Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 1030 ★☆☆☆ 1.0.0 2021.06.04-192844 2021.06.04-192844
Human Phenotype Ontology Databus Artifact SPOs owl, ttl, nt 899558 ★★★☆ ERROR: Can't build new semantic version because last is broken 2025.01.17-032200 2021.12.08-112242 Databus Artifact user-suggestion owl, ttl, nt 6125 ★☆☆☆ ERROR: No Axioms for new version 2025.01.23-173304 2021.06.04-193126
Health Surveillance Ontology (HSO) Databus Artifact