given title:

Predicate Model for Ontologies (PreMOn) - NomBank ontology module

given comment: The NomBank module of the PreMOn ontology defines [pmonb:Roleset]( and [pmonb:SemanticRole]( as subclasses of [pmo:SemanticClass]( and [pmo:SemanticRole](, respectively. Each [pmonb:SemanticRole]( instance is related (via property [pmonb:argument]( to exactly one [pmonb:Argument](, which is defined as the disjoint union of two subclasses: * [pmonb:NumberedArgument](, containing the individuals corresponding to numbered argument (e.g., *Arg0*, *Arg1*); and, * [pmonb:Modifier](, containing the individuals corresponding to modifiers (e.g., *ArgM-LOC*, *ArgM-TMP*). We also define class [pmonb:Tag]( to capture (via property [pmonb:tag]( some specific annotations of markables (e.g., *PRD*, *REF*, *SUPPORT*) in the examples.

Ontology URI First Discovery Discovery Source Databus Artifact Accessability? 2020-05-07 00:57:24 LOV Link