given title:

RLOG - an RDF Logging Ontology

given comment: We built this ontology by looking at log4j version 1.2 and version 2 beta:, Is this complete? No! But it will be sufficient for most use cases, please feel free to extend and adapt the ontology, if you need more. Loglevels: TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR and FATAL Feedback If you'd like to leave feedback, please open an issue on GitHub ( and read the README ( or write an email to the mailing list: Versioning process is explained here: Changelog: * 1.0.0 initial version * 1.0.1 added Error Code class and errcode property * 1.1.0 change Error Code class to Status Code

Ontology URI First Discovery Discovery Source Databus Artifact Accessability? 2020-05-20 17:35:33 LOV Link